Sputnikfest 2014


Rahr-West Art Museum - click HERE for more info!

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Sputnikfest Space Pods!  As noted previously, Sputnikfest is a free event.  You don't buy a ticket to get in and most of the contests and activities don't cost a cent.  You pay for food and drink, of course - and there is always a variety of Sputnikfest related merchandise availabe for purchase.  Still, Sputnikfest is a fundraiser for the children's art programs at the Rahr West Art Museum - and there are various fun opportunities to contribute to that worthy effort.  Sputnikfest will be doing something new, this year - a "Space Pod Raffle."  You are probably familiar with the sort of fundraiser where there are various prize baskets lined up with a bucket in front of each.  You buy tickets for the raffle and drop your tickets in the bucket in front of the prize basket you hope to win.  The Sputnikfest committee decided to add a similar raffle to Sputnikfest this year, but felt a plain old prize basket was just too mundane for an event like Sputnikfest.  Sputnikfest shouldn't have baskets ... Sputnikfest should have Space Pods!  One volunteer committee member crafted a unique Space Pod out of plastic buckets - a photo of the prototype is above, in orbit, with the "pod bay doors" open, ready to be filled with goodies.  Appropriately, one of the buckets that makes up the Space Pod is a Cedar Crest Ice Cream pail.  The Cedar Crest Ice Cream mascot in Manitowoc is the large cow that was decked out in Sputnikfest garb for prior Sputnifest events.  Watch for more info on the activities slated for this year's Sputnikfest in future posts.  Planet Terry

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